Sharon at The Bird's Nest nominated me for the Nice Matters Award. (Thank you, Sharon. This is the first time I've gotten anything like that, and you made my day.) I'm sorry for taking so long to respond; I was afraid that all the people I'd think of would already have gotten nominated, so I procrastinated about posting. Silly me, I finally realized I could just Google people to see if they'd already been recognized.
Here is the description she posted:
Here is what the Nice Matters Award is all about: “This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass on to seven others whom you feel are deserving of this award."I have to say it's hard to narrow it down to seven people who have had a positive effect, not only on me but on many others. This past year has been such a challenging one, and the warmth I've seen in the Blogosphere has really helped me through some hard times. But here, if I must choose seven, is a short list. Know that a number of people I wanted to include already had posted, and I heartily endorse them!
1. Rob at Kyrie Eleison.
His posts inspire me to remember to see the good in the world and the people around me.
2. Julie at Happy Catholic.
She always reminds us all to pray. She is also very good at making people feel that they really matter.
3. Christine, at Ramblings of a Catholic Soccer Mom, and more specifically at Domestic Vocation.
I first started reading her at her Soccer Mom blog. It was one of my first regular reads, and I've always enjoyed it. But I can't even express how much Domestic Vocation has helped me in times of trouble. God finds ways of using Christine's posts to answer my prayers when I'm in need of guidance. And let's face it, we all need reminders sometimes of the roles in our lives that are not merely choices but vocations.
4. Rebecca at Just a Little Bit of Something Extra.
She writes about Down Syndrome and a very beautiful little girl. If everyone could see this lovely child and this lovely blog, the world would be embracing children like this instead of fearing the diagnosis.
5. Ms. Kitty at Ms. Kitty's Saloon and Road Show.
Ms. Kitty continually amazes me; we come from such different perspectives on so many things, yet her insights always inspire me to think more deeply, and she is ever urging all of her readers, myself included, to look within ourselves to see if we are being as kind as we are able. Plus, I happen to know personally, that she's as genuinely nice in real life as she comes across in her blog. In fact, more so.
6. Stacey at Housewife in Flip Flops (Because "thong" is too controversial a word.)
She very consistently makes me smile. She not infrequently makes me laugh. Out loud. And I tell you, laughing is nice. Very nice.
7. Angelmeg at Transcendental Musings.
She has a way of wrapping faith and her personal humanness together into one package that uplifts others, I suspect, more than she realizes. It is, in my opinion, the most effective kind of testimony, because it is real life, not a formula.
Thank you all, and those who were already nominated by others, for your inspiration.
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